Gustavo Grobocopatel is an Agricultural Engineer who studied at the Facultad de Agronomía de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (FAUBA), Agronomy School of the University of Buenos Aires, where he also thought Soil Management and Conservation from 1984 to 1990.
He was Founder and President of ASAGIR, Asociación Argentina de Girasol (the Argentine Sunflower Association), as well as, of the FAUBA Foundation. He was a member of the Executive Committee of AAPRESID, Asociación Argentina de Productores en Siembra Directa, (Argentine Association of No-till sowing Farmers). Gustavo was also a member of the Organizing Committee of the 40th IDEA Colloquium, the AACREA Congress and he also participated, together with other 30 Argentine leaders, of the Argentina Colloquium organized by Harvard University. He was a member of the Board of Directors of Escuelas del Bicentenario (Schools of the Bicentennial Year). Furthermore, he also was a curricular design consultant for the Argentine Ministry of Education.
At this moment, Gustavo is President of Grupo Los Grobo, Vice-president of Frontec, President of LIDE Agribusiness and Director in Bioceres S.A. (a biotechnology Company). He is a member of the Asociación Empresaria Argentina (AEA), Argentine Businesspeople Association. Moreover, he is also a member of the Board of Directors of Endeavor, he participates in the Economic and Social Council of the Universidad Di Tella, in the Advisory Council of the Don Cabral Foundation (Brazil) and the EGADE-TEC of Monterrey (Mexico).
He was granted many awards, among them, the Domingo F. Sarmiento Award granted by the Argentine National Senate, for his contributions to the community and institutions, ADE (Argentine Association of Company Directors) Agribusiness Entrepreneur of the Year Award, the Platinum Konex Award for The Rural Businessman of the Decade, the América Economía Award for the Best Businessman of the Region and the Argentine Creative Award granted by the Association of Creative People of the Argentine Republic. Furthermore, the Argentine newspaper Clarín selected him among the top 10 personalities of the year and he was also appointed Leader Partner by AVINA. The Argentine Magazine Noticias named his as “Businessman of the Year”.
Gustavo has three children and, in his free time, he studies signing. His passion for music lead him to form a trio musical group called, Trío Cruz del Sur, a folkloric band he has integrated for more than ten years and with which he recorded two albums (“Paisajes” y “Pampa”).